Newest Treasure Book cheats

Here are the Treasure Book Series five cheats

club penguin treaure book series 5

To find the Black Sunglasses, the Firestriker, Spikester Cuffs, Orange Rocket Shirt, and the Orange Sneakers

1. Go to the second page of the catalog.
2. Click on the small trees behind the big brown tree trunk


To find the Faery Costume, and the Faery Wings,

1. Go to foth page of the catalog
2. Click on the yellow fish next to the mermaid


To find the Reindeer Antlers, Elf Suit, and Elf Shoes,

1. Go to sixh page of the catalog
2. Click on the snowflake in the top center of both pages


Thats all for now, Keep coming back for some super cool club penguin cheats!

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